Nemrut Dağı Vacations

1 review
Nemrut Dağ, a mountain in the province of Adiyaman, is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The last Hellenic king, Antiokhos l (69-49BC) built a temple and sanctuary dedicated to Greek and Persian gods.
Visit Nemrut Dağı
  • Art & Culture
  • Place or Historical Monument
  • Unesco World Heritage

Nemrut Dağı: How to get there?

4hrs by car or bus from Gaziantep

Nemrut Dağı: When to go?

In summer

Nemrut Dağı: For how long?

Half a day
Learn more about your destination
See travel guide

Nemrut Dağı: What to see in the surroundings?

What our travelers think about their stay

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