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An update from Evaneos

Information on customs and formalities in Uzbekistan

So as to best enjoy your stay in Uzbekistan, it's best to know in advance the different information and formalities concerning customs.

Before leaving

For any trip to Uzbekistan, a tourist visa is obligatory and must be obtained in advance. It's not possible to obtain one upon arrival at the airport. This visa can be obtained from the embassy within a 7 day period after having filled in an application form which you can get from the embassy or download online, Note that your passport must be valid for at least 3 months after your return date.

What to declare

Besides the usual information from airlines about items that can't be taken with you, some specificities and formalities to do with customs are to be taken into consideration for any trip to Uzbekistan.

When you arrive at Uzbek customs it's necessary to fill in (two copies) of a form declaring your the amount of cash you have. This process must also be done upon leaving the country. Be careful: the amount of cash you have upon exiting must not exceed the amount you had upon entering. You will be subject to long interrogations especially if you have no supporting documents. You will also be exposing yourself to legal prosecution. It's essential to properly declare the total amount in your possession otherwise you risk having it confiscated by customs.


The formalities of the Uzbek customs concerning medications are also to be taken into consideration. It's really best to attach an original prescription to your medications. Several medications are not allowed or legalised in Uzbekistan and risk being confiscated if you can't justify your real need. In the same way, medications must be declared.

Caroline Guibert
22 contributions