Lake Natron is a salt lake located in northern Tanzania, close to the Kenyan border, in the eastern branch of the East African Rift. The lake is the only regular breeding area in East Africa for the 2.5 million Lesser Flamingoes
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Aerial view of Lake Natron in the Great Rift Valley, on the border between Kenya and Tanzania
Lake Natron is a salt and soda lake in Arusha Region in northern Tanzania

Journey to the mysterious Lake Natron


In northern Tanzania, on the Kenyan border, you'll find one of Africa's most tranquil lakes: Lake Natron. Named after the mineral found in its waters, Natron is one of the few salt-water lakes on the planet, sitting at nearly 2,000 feet above sea level. Although you can't swim here, except in the Saitoti river waterfalls close by, there are plenty of ways to explore this area.

From gentle hiking trails you can marvel at the lake's colors, ranging from pink to deep blue, and spot giraffes, wildebeest, baboons, and zebras. On the edge of the lake, thousands of lesser flamingos put on a show as they descend to feed, then fly away in a colorful parade.

For a moderate-level hike, you can climb the Ol Doinyo Lengai volcano, which rises to more than 9,700 feet in altitude. Bold hikers can climb up to the crater during the night to be rewarded with incredible panoramas come sunrise.

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