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An update from Evaneos

Oman: current situation and safety in the country

Oman is situated on the edge of the Gulf of Oman and the Arabian Sea. Its neighbouring countries are the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Yemen. To help you prepare for your visit to Oman, in this article you will find information about the current situation in the country and the attitudes you should adopt during your visit.

The current situation in the country

Given its location, the mention of Oman can sometimes scare people away. But think again! Oman is a peaceful and welcoming country. However, you must remain vigilant. To get up-to-date information before you go, you are advised to consult the site Gov.UK. Here you will find advice for travellers and continual updates on the current situation. 

As a result of world events and terrorist activity , you are advised not to go to the Yemen border. 

The other major risk is in sea travel. Many tourists have had a nasty surprise by finding themselves in the hands of pirates, particularly in the Gulf of Oman. The best thing to do is to check in as often as possible and to send your navigation plans to the naval control desk in the Oman British Embassy. 

Safety in Oman

So, while this little update could put you off, don't panic! Oman remains a very safe country where theft and assault are almost unheard of. 

Royal guard of Oman

Just a little anecdote: an ex-pat friend of mine accidentally left his credit card in his car. Because he had become accustomed to the low risk of the country, he forgot to lock the car. The credit card was still there the next day! Of course, this is not recommended, but it illustrates the general mentality of the country. 

When you visit Oman, particularly outside the cities, avoid all ostentatious signs of wealth like flaunting the latest designer jewellery. There are some very poor neighbourhoods and it is a question of showing respect.

For women, even though it is a very tolerant country, you should still avoid wearing provocative clothing. It will stop people staring at you and so you will feel more comfortable.

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